Maciej Piwowarczyk
Doctoral Student in Mathematics @ UNL
MATH 203: Contemporary Mathematics
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Instructor of Record
MATH 203-004 - Spring 2024
MATH 203-001 - Fall 2023
MATH 203-007 - Spring 2023
MATH 203-002 - Fall 2022
The topics taught in MATH 203 include...
Statistics & Probability
Growth Modeling
Disease Modeling
Graph Theory
Voting Theory
MATH 107: Calculus II Recitation
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Graduate Teaching Assistant
MATH 107-254 - Spring 2022
MATH 107-355 - Spring 2022
MATH 107-151 - Fall 2021
MATH 107-154 - Fall 2021
The topics taught in MATH 107 include...
Finding Antiderivatives
Methods of Integration
Substitution, by parts, partial fractions
Finding area by integration
Density, Mass, and Center of Mass
Sequences and Convergence
Taylor Polynomials
I have been continuously teaching at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln since Fall 2021 in addition to teaching over the summer at MathPath, a summer math program for middle-school kids. In that time I have been Instructor of Record for 6 courses and a Graduate Teaching Assistant for 4 more. Topics I have taught include Graph Theory, Statistics & Probability, Voting Theory, and Cryptography.
Intermediate Graph Theory/Graph Algorithms
MathPath (Want to know more?)
IGT - July 2021 (Online)
IGT - July 2022
GA - July 2023
The topics taught in IGT/Graph Algorithms include...
Planar Graphs
- Matchings in Graphs
- Max Flow/Min Cut Theorem
- Hamiltonian and Eulerian Paths/Circuits
- Shortest Path Algorithms
- Social Networks & Contagion Spread
MATH 806T: Number Theory & Cryptology
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Instructor of Record
MATH 806T-691 - Summer 2024
The topics taught in MATH 806T include...
Modular Arithmetic
Fermat's Little Theorem
History of Ciphers
RSA Cryptography
MATH 301: Geometry Matters
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Instructor of Record
MATH 301-002 - Fall 2024
The topics taught in MATH 301 include...
Points and Lines
Classifying quadrilaterals
Area Measurement and Accuracy
Volume and Surface Area
Symmetries and Transformations
Python is the language I am most comfortable with. It was the first language I learned in a formal setting and I have used it for various personal and professional projects. Highlights include:
Locating and correcting errors in DePaul University's Division of Mission and Ministry's participation tracking databases.
Finding the weight distributions of finite geometry codes.
Running graph algorithms to showcase different run times.
The math department at UNL makes use of WeBWorK for many of our homework needs. WeBWorK is coded in Perl, so when I was hired to design and code online exams for MATH 203, I had a lot to learn, but I've certainly come a long way!
Look, I know that it's not necessarily a coding language, but using TikZ in an ambitious has at times felt more difficult than some of the projects noted above, so I'm keeping it in.
Literally all of my homework is done in TeX.
TikZ is a great way to produce the necessary diagrams for Graph Theory, though it was also a lot of fun using it to display finite automata, PDA's, and Turing Machines.
Cool Jobs I've Had
Star Wars Celebration Staff Member
Star Wars Celebration is a conference held by Lucasfild Ltd. as, well, a celebration of Star Wars and the incredible communities that have embraced these stories from a galaxy far, far away.
In 2019, Celebration came to Chicago and I got the chance to work as a Staff Member! The droid parade rolled through my hallway and THE Anthony Daniels nodded at me as he walked past. Truly one of the coolest things I've been apart of, and something I would love to do again.