Maciej Piwowarczyk
Doctoral Student in Mathematics @ UNL
Math Courses
DePaul University
MAT 302: Combinatorics
MAT 351: Probability & Statistics
MAT 397: Math Pedagogy - Theory/Practice
MAT 435: Measure Theory
MAT 436: Functional Analysis
MAT 437: Complex Analysis
MAT 470: Adv. Linear Algebra
MAT 471: Group Theory
MAT 472: Fields and Galois Theory
MAT 473: Rings and Modules
Non-Math Courses
DePaul University
ANI 101: Animation for Non-Majors
CTH 290: Life & Times of Vincent DePaul
SCU 207: Social/Historical Issues in Edu.
SEC 364: Sec. Curric. Instructional Methods
HST 298: Intro to Historical Sources/Methods
HST 384: History of American Capitalism
HST 399: Ind Study - The Second World War
Math Courses
MATH 817: Intro to Modern Algebra I
MATH 818: Intro to Modern Algebra II
MATH 826: Math Analysis I
MATH 827: Math Analysis II
MATH 852: Discrete Math I
MATH 852: Discrete Math II
MATH 887: Probability Theory
MATH 893: Teaching Math at Post-Sec Level
MATH 921: Real Analysis I (Measure Theory)
MATH 928: Functional Analysis I
MATH 958: Topics in Disc - Info Theory
MATH 958: Topics in Disc - Altern. Matrices
Non-Math Courses
CSCE 823: Design & Analysis of Algorithms
CSCE 828: Automata, Computation, &
Formal Languages
CSCE 879: Intro to Deep Learning
MATH 993: Seminar in Math Education